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     Cum on Baby Sister!!!

They had found a great old tree to build it in and scoured miles and miles of Old Man Johnson's junkyard for all of the neat stuff they had in there. And so far, Gena was clueless. Unfortunately today they would be discovered, because there she was right behind him, and the guys were already there waiting for him. He would have a hell of a time explaining the little bitches presence to the guys, but maybe he could swear her to secrecy if he made her the mascot or some silly shit like that, that stupid little girls seem to enjoy.
continue read incest story: Cum on Baby Sister!!!

    Educating Laura

My wife passed on about ten years ago, leaving me with four very young daughters.
It had been a hardship that we dealt with in due time and I have done my best to raise them on my own. To the best of my knowledge I have done a pretty stand up job, they are well behaved and well mannered little princesses, listed in order we have Suzie who is seventeen, Amanda who we just call Mana is sixteen, Laura whom is fifteen, and last but not least my sweet little thirteen year old Kerri.� We live pretty far out in the Canadian wilderness so most of their schooling has been done by me at home. Well the story begins with me having my morning coffee and smoke out on our back sundeck, I dont smoke in the house because of the girls.
Continue read incest story: Educating Laura

    Eight is Enough: And Two's Not Bad, Either

I never paid too much attention to what she looked like -- heck, she was my sister, right? But some of the older guys in school asked me about her a few times, so I tried to figure out what they saw in her. She doesn't look too bad, for a sister, I mean. She dresses OK, and she's not real thin or real fat -- although she's always saying she could stand to lose a few pounds. And a couple of the guys who asked about her said they really like her hair -- it's long, almost to her waist. And she smiles a lot.
Continue read incest story: Eight is Enough: And Two's Not Bad, Either

    First Time - with Sister Lisa

 Our parents had gone out of town for the weekend, leaving my fifteen year old sister to look after me. The first night we were alone my sister Lisa came into my bedroom and got into bed with me. It was a warm night and I was lying on top of the sheets with just jockey shorts on, almost asleep.
Continue read incest story: First Time - with Sister Lisa

    Fun With Aunt Ana

My name is Dave and I was fourteen at the time when this happened to me. I lived with both my parents . I was the only child in my family. My family and I mostly always went to visit my aunt Ana and my uncle George on Saturdays. My aunt has a slim body with normal sized breasts. I always thought my aunt was sexy ever since I hit puberty. Also, ever since I hit puberty my aunt started to look at me seductively.
One Saturday afternoon, my parents and I went to go visit my aunt and uncle. We entered their house. My parents went into the living room to chat with my aunt and uncle, as usual. I went into my cousin Ted's room. Ted was about the same age as me. We watched television for a couple of hours.
Continue read incest story: Fun With Aunt Ana

    Grandfather Needs Cynthia (part 1)

I remember that night so vividly, that night I had once thought so tragic and awful, when my daughter Elaine showed up at my door with my granddaughter Cynthia. My daughter Elaine had always been a bit of a handful for my now deceased wife and me. You name it, drinking, drugs, loser men, yet Elaine still had her intellect, an intellect that always kept her on track with her work in school, leading to degree in business management and eventually owning her own business. I had finally began to think that the rebel days of her youth had vanished and replaced it with a better perception, but I was wrong.
Continue read incest story: Grandfather Needs Cynthia (part 1)

    Grandfather Needs Cynthia (part 2)

I brought her small body down on top of mine, and kissed her. She was catching on to this tongue teasing game, and was just as eager to dart her tongue into my mouth. My hands cupped her bottom and pressed her against my cock. I began grinding my cock against her pink cotton pantied pussy. It was enough to spring it back to hardness, and I knew I needed more of her tonight. I loved the feel of my hard cock against her clothed pussy, dry humping her, and knowing her pussy was responding, getting wet. She must have liked the way my cock was rubbing against her because she began to grind her pussy against me.
Continue read incest story: Grandfather Needs Cynthia (part 2)

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