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    Making a Whore Out Of My Sister

Hi.. My name is dilip. My age is 20. I am from chennai. My sister's name is akila. Her age is 19. She looks homely. Her face resembles that of vijay tv jodi no 1 VJ divyadarshini. If u dont know it search google for that. Her structure also looks the same. Her tits are small but smooth and sexy.
Once my parents were out for purchase. I and my sister were in home. My sister was taking bath. There was a problem with our bathroom latch that day. So she told me before entering. While she
was taking bath i suddenly had an urge to go in and look at her.
continue read incest story: Making a Whore Out Of My Sister

    Favorite Aunt to Best Aunt

My name is Dan, I was a young Teenager that I started developing sexual feelings for my Aunt Tammy. Aunty Tammy was always the flirty open sexual type. She has long dirty blond hair, she was always on the thick side, not fat, thick. Nice big ass and big beautiful tits and all the meat in the right places.

The good things started happening when I moved in with her, my Uncle, and my Cousins. We lived in Foster, Rhode Island out in the middle of the woods...
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    Dan & Aunty Tammy

My Aunt Tammy, a mother, Wife, typical working-home maker woman. Her in her mid 40’s, nice long dirty blonde hair, big ass and tits, a little weight on her but all in the right places.

Years go by as I always fantasized about having sex with her. Yes she is my Aunt but for some strange reason I have always been strongly sexually attracted to her. It got more and more intense as time went on and it didn’t help any better from me peeping on her through the bathroom window when she washed up or took showers. The first time I seen her naked was amazing...
Continue read incest story: Dan & Aunty Tammy

    Mom Comes For a Visit

I had just turned 21, and away at college. My mom wanted to come down for my birthday, I hadn’t seen her in a year or so. My mom came to my apartment, and I couldn’t believe how much she changed. Now she was 5’6 about 130. She had 38DD implants. She must of gained some wait because her ass was about 37 inches, but the cool thing was her waist was skinny. I said to mom,”Wow look at you, you’re model status.” She said,”thank you honey. And to think i’m 46 years old.” I said,”uh age ain’t nothing but a number...
Continue read incest story: Mom Comes For a Visit

    I Told Her Don't Come Home Drunk

I was about 42 years old when this event took place, and my daughter was 18. During a week in summer, my daughter was going to every party she could find, and i would get phone calls from people the next day telling me how trashed she got at the party. Before my daughter went out again, I told her, “honey, tonight don’t get waisted.” She said,”oh daddy I won’t.” She left the house, and I was thinking about a punishment for her if she did come home drunk. I then started to get these sexual thoughts about my daughter that I had never had before.
Continue read incest story: I Told Her Don't Come Home Drunk

    Drunken Night With Mom

I went out partying with a few friends just like a normal high school senior. I drank a little to much and couldn’t drive home. I called my mom at 1AM, she was pissed. The phone call went like this:
Me(slurring): Hey mom, I’m drunk can you pick me up?
Mom(half awake):Damn it Johnny. This is the third time this week.
me:I’m sorry mom, won’t happen again. Mom:Ok I’m coming right now. Me:thanks mom. I waited at my friends house. My friend was drunk and asked me,”Who’s coming to get you?” I slurred,”My mom.” He slurred,”Dude you’re mom is so hot, have you ever tried to bang her?” I slurred,”no, she’s my mom.”
Continue read incest story: Drunken Night With Mom

    Bringing My Drunk Mom Home

I woke up one day and went to the kitchen, and my dad was there putting on a tie and looking like he was in a hurry. He also looked pissed off. I said, ”good mourning” He said, ”hey good mourning man. I gotta go to the airport to catch a flight that leaves in two hours. Your mom stayed out last night, i don’t know where. I gotta run though, I’ll see you in a few days.”
Continue read incest story: Bringing My Drunk Mom Home

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